Rehearsal Markings for Spring 2023
Notes from May 29 rehearsal
- Instead of starting in 4 and switching to 2, Sanford has decided to start in 2. He switches to 4 at m 38. He considered returning to 2 at m 48, but thought better of it.
- Sanford has decided to conduct most of this piece in 2.
Notes from May 22 rehearsal
- Sanford will start in 4, but switch to 2 (per the time signature) in m 2. If the rehearsal was any indication, you'll find him back in 4 now and again.
- m 4, 49: Sanford conducts these measures in the more natural 6/8, rather than 3/4.
- m 119, A2: drop down and double the tenor line for one measure
- m 36: the last word should be “homine”, not that it will be audibly different.
- m 41, S: the text should be “-me-mus” on the first two 8th notes.
Notes from May 15 rehearsal
- As the time signature indicates, Sanford will conduct in 2. However, he's dropping into 4 for the slow section on p 3, m 16-20, and again on the last page m 26 to the end.
- m 79, AB: sing less than ff, lest your unison line drown out the other, divided parts
- m 91: take quarter rest out at the comma (previously marked as 8th out)
- m 202: take quarter rest out at the comma
- m 239-242: stay loud, despite any temptation to dim (dynamic is probably ff, given the cresc out of f on the previous page)
- page 5 and similar: follow the indicated phrasing, lifting at the commas (rather than trying to make a seamless “oo” for the whole section)
- m 46: the cresc in 45 reaches mp here
Notes from May 8 rehearsal
- m 117: cresc
- Note that many of the dynamics on the first page are subito, even though only two are marked as such
- m 3: no breath
- m 51-70: Sanford conducts this section in 2
- Sanford will give all 4 notes to begin (only 4, as T2=B1)
Notes from May 1 rehearsal
- m 39-43: Rather than drop into 2, Sanford will just conduct the triplets in m 40-41 (i.e., 3 beats per measure)
- m 82: the cresc goes to mf
- m 85, STB: the decresc goes to mp, just as indicated for A
- m 46, B: do a fp like T
- m 48-49, T: cresc out of the p (of the fp) so that the sub p in 50 makes sense
- m 121, S: mf
Notes from Apr 22 workshop
- m 41: take 8th out of “feet”
- m 43: lift before “of”, with maybe extra time (watch!)
- m 63: lift after “ours”, with extra time
- Flip the “r” of “Spirit”
- m 62, SA: dim on “Oh”
- m 13, A2: double the T1 G# (just this one note)
- m 28: lift at end, extra time inserted
- m 58 & 72, SA: start the HML divisi here, rather than a measure later as originally instructed
Notes from Apr 17 rehearsal
- m 269: cut off the tied 8th
- m 36: use these mileposts for the crescendo: mp on beat 3, mf on beat 1 of m 37, f on beat 3
- m 24 & 28: take 8th out of the half note
- m 65: Sanford will beat each note
- m 124: cut off the tied 8th
- m 22: the decresc comes down to p in preparation for the subsequent pp
- m 39: Sanford conducts this line in 2. Return to 4 at m 44 [this marking has been withdrawn]
Notes from Apr 10 rehearsal
- m 6: take 8th out of “God” for breath
- m 17: take 16th out for breath (have to wait for S note)
- m 40, TB: take 8th out
- m 41, TB: no breath
- m 44, TB: take 8th out
- m 74: take 8th out of “grows”
- m 81: lift on each dotted 8th to make it more like “skipping” (presumably also m 120)
- m 82: take 8th out
- m 91: take 8th out
- m 92-93: no breath
- m 177, TB: take 8th out
- m 178, TB: no breath
- m 213-217: no breath
- m 239, 240: no breath
- m 241, TB: breathe after “age”
- Cut off final measure on the downbeat (delete the tied 8th)
- m 4, B: Sanford will conduct each note
- m 87, A: do not pronounce the “t” of “light”
Notes from Apr 3 rehearsal
- m 49 (plus pickup)-52: men divide HML
- Except for the one measure mentioned last time for HML (182), everyone divide as written. That means in the places where there are only two staves, S and T have the stems-up notes, A and B stems down.
- m 27: the decresc goes to mp
Notes from Mar 27 rehearsal
- Men divide HML where there are 3 parts (including 128-131, where the extra part is in the T line)
- m 25-26: no breath
Notes from Mar 20 rehearsal
- Divide HML most of the time when there are two soprano or bass notes. (Subsequently determined to be all such places except for a few middle-of-nowhere divisions: m 10, 15, 221, 227.)
- m 182: divide HML
- m 205: men divide TTB
- m 114-end: men divide HML
- m 10-17, 20-25, 32, 41-45 beat 1, 73-78: men divide HML
- m 48, ATB: should have the same p as S does on the final note
- m 74, SA: lift on the tied 8th
Notes from Mar 13 rehearsal
- m 18-19, S: no breath