Rehearsal Markings for Fall 2024
Markings from Dec 10 rehearsal
- We will sit during the solo sections. Sanford will seat us at the start of each section, and bring us back up at the end.
- m 25: take quarter rest out of “-nae”
Markings from Dec 2 rehearsal
- m 23 & 25: dim “-num”
- m 41, SAT: lift before “O”
- m 54: Sanford will conduct a breath at the end of this measure
Markings from Nov 25 rehearsal
For unto us a Child is born
For unto us a Child is born
- Clearly enunciate the final “t” of “government”
- p 9: make the first run of the refrain only mp (it had been marked mf)
- m 30, TB: drop the final consonant of “peace”
Markings from Nov 18 rehearsal
- m 77, Ch 2 & m 79, Ch 1: cresc thru “vo-lun-ta-”, then back off (unaccent) “-tis”
- m 164: mp (echo)
- m 174: just FYI, the B-natural in the accompaniment should be B-flat (matching S2).
- m 223-224, S2AT: dim (but return to mp at 225)
- m 305-311: cresc the rising quarter note figure on “-sce-” wherever you have it; e.g., m 306 S1T.
- m 22-23: no breath
- m 24: take 8th rest out of “night”
- m 26-27: no breath
- m 28: take 8th rest out of “-light”
- m 32-33: no breath
Markings from Nov 11 rehearsal
- m 358: take 8th rest out for the comma
- m 360, S1: take quarter rest out of “-tri”; lift between the first two notes of “glo-” (i.e., turn first note into 8th note, 8th rest)
- m 361, S2: lift like S1 in 360
- m 362-365: no breath
- m 368-369: lift on the dot on “-ri-”
- m 397, S2ATB: make beat 3 (“-men”) 8th note, 8th rest
- m 42-43, B: each “ve-ni” is softer than the previous
- m 44, B: dim “-lu-” to mp in m 45
- m 53-54, B: cresc-descresc just like the other voices
- m 36: take 8th rest out of beat 3; SA do not breath after “Haste”
- m 59-60: no breath
- m 88, S: this grace note is more deliberate than the earlier ones, should feel like an 8th note, not 16th.
Marking from Nov 9 workshop
What Child is This
What Child is This
- m 67-68, SA: no breath
Markings from Nov 4 rehearsal
- m 6, Ch1: dim to let Ch2 be heard, then return to f at m 8.
- m 55: fermata
- m D, S: no need to belt this one out, just float over the altos
- m 30: take 8th rest out of “-quired” to place the “d”
Markings from Oct 28 rehearsal
- m 43-44: the dim is to mp.
- m 181: at most mf, not f.
- m 281: take quarter rest out of “-nis”
- m 286-287, S2A: change the mf to mp
- m 291: mp
- m 310, T: “-spe-” should be “-sce-”
- m 338: take half rest out
- m 43-44: take the dim to mf by middle of m 43, and mp by middle of m 44.
Markings from Oct 7 rehearsal
- m 369, B: the second syllable is “-tu-”
- m 397, B: the fourth beat should be “et in”, not “a-men”
- m 25: lift at each of the commas
- m 73: Sanford will start beating 8ths in the second half of this measure
- m 18, SAT: take 8th rest out of “est”
- m 68, S: take quarter rest out of “-a”
- In addition to the diction notes from Sep 23: pronounce “shall” as “shell”; glottal on “all” of “and all flesh”.
- m 41: make “Christ” a quarter note in all parts
- Sing the first two refrains f the first time, p the second time.
- Sing the final refrain mf the first time, f the second time. [Superseded on Nov 25: mp the first time]
- Make the last note of each refrain (“-sis”) a quarter note, quarter rest.
Markings from Sep 30 rehearsal
Silent Night
Silent Night
- As a general rule, sing 4-bar phrases, with no breath in the middle, but an 8th rest at the end for a breath (for places that continue without a written rest). First several examples below in m 2, 4, 6, 8. You extrapolate after that.
- m 2-3: no breath
- m 4: take 8th rest out
- m 6-7: no breath
- m 7-8: no breath
- m 8: take 8th rest out
- m 13, SSA: This is not HML, despite only 3 staves here.
- m 17-18: no breath for T, but SSA take 8th rest out per rule stated above.
- Sing all grace notes as 16th notes on the beat.
- m 4: fermata on last (or only) note (in addition to the fermata on the rest)
- m 31: fermata on last (or only) note
- m 1-3, 4-5: cresc on “Ma-gni-fi-” and decresc “-cat”.
- m 5-9 and elsewhere as appropriate: light. Lift on the tied 16ths, on the dot of a dotted 8th+16th, and between repeated notes.
- m 28-29, 35: word correction: ex-ul-ta-vit, not ex-al-ta-vit.
- m 66-75 (and presumably elsewhere): pay attention to word stresses: be-A-tam, DI-cent, OM-nes. Be sure to back off unstressed syllables, especially on strong beats, such as m 70.
- m 165, S1: take 8th out of “-jus” (other 4 voices as written)
Markings from Sep 23 rehearsal
And the Glory of the Lord
(Since the first two Messiah excerpts have no measure numbers, I notate measures relative to the nearest rehearsal letter ahead of or behind them.)
And the Glory of the Lord
(Since the first two Messiah excerpts have no measure numbers, I notate measures relative to the nearest rehearsal letter ahead of or behind them.)
- Make the vowel in “and” not too bright, closer to “end” or a schwa sound
- Be sure to articulate both the “d” and the voiced “th” in “and the”
- Flip the “r” of “glory”
- First syllable of “revealed” is “ɪ”, like “river”
- Separate the “t”s in “see it together”
- m B+6: make “it” or “-er” a half note, quarter rest
- m C-5, A: take 8th rest out of “-er”
- m E-5, T: take 8th rest out of “Lord”
- m F-5, TB: take 8th rest out of “-ed”
- m F, S: take 8th rest out of “-er”
- m F+5, SA: 8th rest out of “it”
- Drop the “r” of “for”; glottal on “unto” and “us”. Be sure to never slur between “unto” and “us” (we don’t want to hear “untowus”).
- The last vowel of “Counselor” is a schwa.
- The vowel in “God” is “ɔ” (like “aw”)
- m C-2, B: take 8th rest out of first note
- m D+5: Each of the quarter notes (“prince of peace”) is 8th note + 8th rest.
- m E+4: take 8th rest out of “Peace”
- m F+4: take 8th rest out of “Peace”
- m G+5: take 8th rest out of “-ther”
- Try to make the last syllable of “Halellujah” more “ah” than “schwa”. The final note is definitely “ah”.
- The second vowel of “omnipotent” is “ɪ” (“nip”), not “i” (“knee”).
- m 14: make the first “Halellujah” mp, then grow each subsequent one.
- m 19: see m 14
- m 37: no breath
- m 39: take 8th rest out of “Lord”
- m 40: take 8th rest out of “Christ”
- m 51: only mf. Make each subsequent one a little louder.
- m 57, SA: sing quarter-note A on beat 1 (this lengthens S’s previous note and shortens A’s)
- m 60, S: rest on the first beat
- m 63, S: take quarter rest out
- m 66, S: drop the dot on the first note
- m 69: everyone make “Lords” a quarter note
- m 74, SAT: take quarter rest out of “-er”
- m 74, B: take 8th rest out of “-er”
- m 104, 112, 116: take quarter rest out
- m 82-87: start the decresc from fff earlier, so that 83 is ff, 84 is f, 85 is mf, 86 is mp.
- m 69, A1: the note on “-sis” should be D (one step higher), not C
- m 75: lift at the comma
Markings from Sep 16 rehearsal
Gabrieli Hodie
Gabrieli Hodie
- Conducted in 2
- m 20: take quarter rest out
- m 86: Sanford will drop into 4 somewhere around this measure.
- Women divide HML
- Sing your own line, no HML divisi
- m 37-38: Sanford will conduct the triplets
- The various grace notes throughout are sung on the beat, probably as 16th notes
- There are many fp markings. Don’t accent them, just reach a f dynamic by the time you arrive at the note and immediately back away.
- Page 1: In the 4th measure, where altos have a 3-way divide on “ringing” T1 sing the bottom alto note (B); A12 take the upper notes (F#, E). Do this again in the comparable places on pages 6 and 8.
Markings from Sep 9 rehearsal
Dole Hodie
Dole Hodie
- m 43-49: pronounce “exultant” as “eksultant”.
- m 51: make “-tes” eighth note, eighth rest (and basses, don’t breathe, there’s no time)
- m 101-116: Women divide HML